Sunday 2 March 2014

Memories of Reality

Imagine being incarcerated in solitary confinement for life
Imagine no conversation and the feeling of total isolation
Imagine the torment of physical and emotional pain
Imagine having no sense of time in this filthy decaying cell
Imagine having only your memory of life as it was
Imagine the feeling of hearing no voice but your own
Imagine the all encompassing fear that continually surrounds you
Imagine the total lack of human touch, a hand to hold, a body to feel
Imagine having a tray of rotting food thrown into your cell each and every day
Imagine having no conversation and nothing to achieve
Imagine only remembering what life was like outside of this stinking hole
Imagine what its like to be continually filthy
Imagine the reeking stench of your own bodily functions
Imagine the rats and vermin being your only companions
Imagine the feeling of the intense heat and the frigidity of the ice cold
Imagine no light except for a minute crack in the wall
 Can you just imagine?

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