Saturday, 27 September 2014

My Reflection In The Mirror

You are my conscience, you are my actuality.
I can’t escape from you since you are my
friend, and simultaneously my enemy.
At times you suffocate and smother me.             

You are my courage and my genuine fear.
It is inescapable and inevitable
that you have the intensity and energy to observe it all.

You are my beauty and my viciousness.
You won’t allow me to hide
or scamper away to my secure place of darkness.

You are my true devotion
and also my misfortune.
Feeling it too, you realize there is no error
or room for judgment.

My deep thoughts penetrate
through my strong voice.
And with the higher power’s guidance
I am able to make the honest choice.

My face presents itself as an imposter,
and from time to time it presents itself
as my authentic one.
The mirror performs its amazing tricks  
since you are me, and I am you.

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